Tuesday, December 19, 2017

DIY story in a stocking or bag!

Today I got to go help in my Kindergartener's class for their Christmas party! I was in charge of a story and I just could not think of the one perfect story to tell them. I mean, they have heard so many Christmas stories and I wanted to try something new and exciting for those little minds! So... I decided to try the DIY story in a bag! And oh boy did the kids LOVE it!

This activity is SO easy and SO much fun for the littles!

All you need is a lot of little random items from around the house and a bag (or a stocking) to hold all the items.

I picked about 25 items to place in the stocking and half were Christmas themed and the other just random.

I explained to the kids that we would each have a turn picking 5 items out of the bag and then tell a made up story using those items.

I went first and showed them how it's done and they each could not wait for their turn! The kids LOVED it!

This is a great activity for those little imaginations to run wild!

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