Saturday, September 16, 2017

Kindness Rocks

One of my boys favorite activities is rock painting! They LOVE it! We usually end up placing them around the yard for us to enjoy but this time we decided to join in on the Kindness Rock Project! I've seen this floating around the internet and it made me so excited! It's where you paint and write inspirational messages on rocks and hide them around parks for strangers to find! I knew we had to participate because this is a GREAT opportunity to teach my kids about kindness and serving others. Also, I would be totally stoked to find a rock that a little person painted with an inspirational message on it! Who wouldn't!

So if you're in the mood to make someones day a little brighter, this is definitely the craft activity for you and your littles!

Here's what you'll need to make these:

- Paint (we used acrylic paint)
- Paint Markers or Permanent Markers
- Rocks... LOTS of them!
- Mod Podge (optional)


STEP 1: The boys and I first went around the yard collecting all shapes and sizes of rocks. This was really fun to see them debate which rocks were considered "perfect" and which would "just not do"(my 4 year old words) haha!

STEP 2: We next washed them and scrubbed all the dirt off then let them dry.

STEP 3: The painting began! The boys said I could help paint some rocks too! Thank Goodness because I LOVE to paint! :)

STEP 4: Once we finished painting the rocks, we set them out to dry completely.

STEP 5: Then came time to write some inspirational messages on them! My kids help decide what messages I should write.

STEP 6: Once the rocks were ready to go we loaded them up and placed them around a park near our home. While the boys were hiding them around, my 5 year old noticed some people walking by and asked if he could just give them some rocks so he can also tell them to "have a good day"! I mean come on, Of course you can!! My momma heart was so proud! My 4 year old soon followed and handed some out too!
It's hard to pick my favorite one because they are all so beautiful to me! My kids really took their time making these special for someone they don't even know and I LOVE that!

Oh we loved participating in this awesome kindness project and I hope our rocks help make someones day brighter!

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