Sunday, September 10, 2017

DIY Recycled Crayon Cupcakes!

If your craft drawer is anything like ours then you have many, MANY broken crayon bits scattered around! And I totally know why! Our 4 year old went through this "I gotta break every single crayon I touch" phase for awhile so you can imagine how many broken crayons we have! Anyway, we have found good use for the broken bits. The boys usually like to make melted crayon artwork with them but we decided to switch things up this time!

We made Crayon Cupcakes! This version is DEFINITELY UNEDIBLE by the way!

These recycled crayon cupcakes are so cool! The boys were so engaged peeling the wrappers off and sorting the crayons! 

Here's all you need to make these:

- Lots of broken crayon pieces 
- Muffin Tins
- Cupcake Liners


Step 1: We first began by collecting our crayons and peeling all the wrappers off. I must say this was very tedious for me and my 4 year old but surprisingly my 5 year old never tired of it! He's a trooper!

Step 2: We then placed two cupcake liners into each compartment and then filled them up with crayon bits 3/4 full.

Step 3: I next placed the tray into the oven and baked them at 250 for about 25 minutes.

Take them out of the oven when the crayons are no longer chunky but soupy. Let them cool all the way before removing the wrappers.

And that's it!

These turned out beautiful and the boys think they are just the coolest to color with! 

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