Thursday, August 31, 2017

Easy DIY Catapult!

I knew I couldn't just label this post CATAPULT!... How freaky does that word sound when it comes to littles making it! So, I added EASY in the title... just makes it sound less intimidating to me I think. And this DIY activity is suuuuper easy! 

It took minutes to make with the kiddos help AND we used material we had around the house!
My boys LOVED this activity and it kept them entertained for a long while, which I LOVED! 

Here's all you'll need to make one:

- large hair elastic
- wooden spoon
- rolling pin ( I have heard of others using a sturdy cardboard tubing -like a used wrapping paper roll. Anything cylinder will work as long as its sturdy.)


Step 1: We first for our supplies out then wrapped the large elastic over the rolling pin 2 times. It should create an X.

Step 2: We then took the wooden spoon and slid it through the elastic on the top of the rolling pin. That's it!

Now the littles can experiment with the catapult to see which objects would go higher or lower and fastest  or slowest! But make sure to keep an eye on what they are using, you don't want anything dangerous to be flying up and smacking anyone in the face! 

The little lego people were a huge hit with the boys and they would crack up whenever they launched them! Kids are funny! 

This is such an easy diy project/science experiment thatthe kids will for sure love! Hope you'll be able to make one with your littles and they have a BLAST too!!

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