Thursday, July 20, 2017

DIY Lemon Volcanos

If you're like me have a couple of busy toddlers who are always on the go and LOVE making "stuff", especially the oozy, messy, erupting kind of stuff, then I've got another awesome science activity for ya! 

I try to fill my kids days with lots of different kind of activities so they have lots of opportunities to learn and, well... play! Our favorite go to activities are watercoloring, lego building and helping me bake in the kitchen. But sometimes, when I feel brace to conquer the mess, we go for the messy activities aka science activities! Ha!

These Lemon Volcanos are not huge eruptions but it still can get messy with kids who can't resist splashing the soapy goodness about! 

This is a fantastic activity for littles to discover the chemical reaction of citric acid and baking soda! Plus it smells really yummy!

Here's what you'll need:

- Lemons
- Baking Soda
- Food Coloring
- Dish Soap
- Cookie Sheet
- Spoon


1. I started by slicing off the bottom of a lemon to make it sit flat on the tray. Then I flipped the lemon over and slice out the core. 

2. I then took the second lemon and sliced it and then squeezed some extra juice out in a cup for the volcano. Set a side.

3. Then we placed the lemon on the tray and placed a few drops of food coloring in the center of the lemon. 

4. We then squeezed a good amount of dish soap into the center of the lemon. 

5. Next we added a spoonful of baking soda into the center of the lemon. When it started fizzing I took the spoon and stirred all the ingredients in the lemon, this made it fizz even more! To make the erupting last longer we added the extra lemon juice. The boys LOVED it!!

This was a fairly easy science experiment and the boys thought it was the coolest thing! 

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