Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Ice Cream in a bag

Ice cream in a bag?! YES please!!

I love sharing fun activities I did in my childhood with my boys and I knew I just had to share Ice Cream in a bag! I mean, what is more fun than making your own ice cream on a hot summer day!  

Well it's safe to say my boys LOVED ice cream in a bag and are begging to make it again! 

Here's what you'll need!

Supplies Needed:

-1 cup whole milk

-1 cup half and half

-3 tablespoons sugar

-1 teaspoon vanilla extract

-Table salt or kosher salt

-Gallon-sized Ziploc baggies

-Quart or sandwich-sized Ziploc baggies

-Ice cubes


Pour 1 cup of half and half and 1 cup of whole milk into small zip lock bag. 

Add 3 Tablespoons of sugar and 1 teaspoon of vanilla to bag.

Seal up bag tight and try to get as much air out as possible. (It's also a good idea to double bag the baggie to protect the ice cream from getting all salty). ;) 

Fill up half way gallon sized bag with ice cubes and pour about a 1/2 cup of salt in with it. Now place baggie of ice cream into it ice cube bag and seal shut tightly.

Now it's time to shake those baggies! Shake for 5-8 minutes or until the ice cream starts to solidify.

The boys had the awesome idea to jump on the trampoline to shake up the baggies! They had so much fun jumping to make their bags fly up and down! Genius! 

Ice cream is ready!!

The boys DEVOURED their ice cream and scraped their baggies clean! Haha!

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