Thursday, May 4, 2017

Easy DIY Fossils for kids

I love nature and being outside! And I truly believe the days spent outside with my boys are the to treasure! The weather here in Utah this week has been fabulous and so the boys and I have been spending as much time as we can outside! 
One of my boys favorite things to do is collect sticks and use them for sword fights or digging for bugs. Since I'm not a fan of stick/sword fights between two toddlers and I wanted to switch things up a bit I thought we would make our own fossils with the sticks and other fun things we find in nature! 

These fossils are SO dang easy to make and came out looking great!


- 4 cups of flour
- 1 cup of salt
- 1 3/4 cup of water

Step 1: Measure all the dry ingredients into a large mixing bowl.

Step 2: Gradually add in water and mix till it's not dry and not too sticky.

Step 3: Roll out dough to about 1/4 inch thickness. 

Step 4: Have the littles take their nature treasures (plus any toy they'd like to use) to press down into the dough gently. Make sure not to puncture the dough, just stamp it. 

Step 5: Once done, place dough on parchment lined cookie sheet and bake in oven at 325 for 2 hours.

Step 6: Once the fossils are completely cooled off, your littles can paint them. I mean what kid doesn't love to paint!

And that's it! Your kids will be so proud of their fossils! 

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