Monday, May 29, 2017

Create your own nature paintbrush

It's that wonderful time of year, the days are getting longer and the weathers warm so the kids are spending all day outside playing! Oh, I LOVE this time of year! 
I don't know about your kids but my boys go straight to the sticks and rocks and anything pokey to play with while outside. It drives me crazy because I know it's just a matter of minutes till someone is crying. So if this sounds familiar to you too maybe this fun activity can help switch things up a bit!

The kiddos still get to play with sticks and pokey things BUT instead of hitting each other they will be creating masterpieces... hopefully!


- sticks, leaves, flowers (nature items that can be used as makeshift paintbrushes)
- twine
- paint
- paper


1. Have the kids go outside and collect leaves and sticks and other things that they think can be used for their paintbrushes.
2. Once they have their nature collection they can start putting together their brushes and tying them with twine.

3. Now the brushes are ready and they can start painting!

This was such a fun activity and it did steer the boys away from the dangerous stick and rock fight that happens all too often. And the paintings came out beautifully! So it was a big win/win over here!

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