Thursday, May 25, 2017

DIY Kazoo!

One of my 15 month olds favorite thing to do is hold a cup to his mouth, blow and talk in it. He loves the way it makes his voice sound and giggles about it every time which of course makes us giggle too! 
This reminded me of playing with kazoos as a little kid. Man were those things fun but oh so annoying! My poor parents! 

Well, I thought it would be so fun to have the boys MAKE their OWN kazoo! So after some searching, I found directions! And once again the supplies needed I already had on hand! I love that!


- Toilet Paper Roll
- Paint
- Wax Paper or Parchment Paper
- Rubber Band


1. Begin by having the kids roll their toilet paper roll in paint. 

2. Let dry completely.

3. Once dry, cut out a square of wax or parchment paper and lay it on to cover one of the openings on the toilet paper roll.
4. While holding the wax paper tight, wrap a rubber band around to keep the wax paper in place.

All done! Ready for your little musicians to do their thing! These homemade kazoos work great but are definitely outside toys! Haha!

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