Thursday, April 13, 2017

Sink or Float!

With Easter a few days away we have a house full of plastic eggs waiting to be filled with candy for our egg hunt! But like I said Easter is a few days away and I knew we had to do something with those eggs before then! So we decided on a science experiment! The boys loved this experiment and I loved watching their faces light up when they made their own discovery! 

- Plastic Tub to hold water
- Plastic Eggs
- Tape 

Step 1: Begin by taping up the little holes on the plastic eggs so no water will get inside. I used duct tape because I wanted to make sure the tape stayed put.

Step 2: Now give the kiddos some eggs and have them head outside to find items to put in their eggs. I was quite impressed with what they found for their eggs! While they were gathering their items, I got the plastic tub ready with water.

Step 3: Once the eggs are all filled with their little "surprises" then it's time to drop them in the water to see which ones will sink and which will float!

Most of the eggs did float so of course the boys wanted to add heavier items in the eggs to make them sink. And once they would sink they would let out excited squeals!... I guess it's more fun watching the eggs sink! 

So if you're looking for a simple and really fun experiment for your kiddos, try this one! It seriously kept my boys busy for a good hour! 

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