Sunday, April 9, 2017

Create your own flower garden

Spring is here! Hooray! After all the snowy cold days of Winter we are SO ready for the sunshine and warmth of Spring! Where we live we have the four seasons and I love that my kids get to truly enjoy the wonders of each season! 
I do have to admit though that as a born and raised southern Californian girl I'm still not used to the long winters here in Utah and so I get SUPER DUPER excited when Spring comes near! I love the sunshine and blue skies and all the beautiful flowers that start popping up! 
So to celebrate this wonderful Spring season I decided we were going to create our own flower garden! The boys loved it because they truly got to create their own flowers and they just love when they get to do their own thing! 


- Construction Paper
- Scissors
- Glue Sticks

I Cut out all different shapes and sizes of the construction paper for the petals, leaves and stems. I placed them all in different containers for the boys to choose from and let them go to town!

They had so much fun and made a ton of these!

This is a great craft for little ones to work on their fine motor skills and show their creativity! And it makes for some beautiful art to hang up! I hope your little ones enjoy this as much as mine did! 

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