Thursday, April 6, 2017

DIY Easter Egg Rockets!

With all this awesome warm weather we've been having and Easter coming up I knew I had to play something extra fun for the boys to do! And I found it!

These Easter Egg Rockets were so easy and fun to do! I would recommend testing it out yourself before you invite the littles to watch so that you can see just how high these chicks will go. Not only are they super easy, you don't need much to make them! 

Supplies Needed:

- Plastic Easter Eggs that stand up and open in half. I got mine from the Dollar Tree. :)
- Alka Seltzer tablets
- Water

That's it!

All you'll need to do is pour a little water into an egg and then 2 Alka Seltzer and tighten the lid on QUICKLY then let it do its stuff!

You're kids will LOVE this and you will enjoy the time outside in this beautiful Spring weather!

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