Thursday, March 9, 2017

The Inflating Glove Experiment!

The boys loved the balloon experiment we did a few weeks ago and were ready for another one so I pulled The Inflating Glove Experiment out!

This experiment is seriously the best because once it's set up the kids can inflate it over and over again themselves and then play with it all day! Or over a few days! It can last awhile if the kids aren't too crazy with them :) 
And once again, all the supplies needed I had on hand :) Love when that happens!

- Latex glove
- Plastic straw
- Plastic cup

STEP 1: Poke the bottom of a plastic cup with something sharp. I used a few different items to make the hole (Que eye roll)! The plastic was harder to cut through than I thought, but after trying a sharp knife, screw and then finally a razor blade... I got through! Geez! So use what you think is best and BE CAREFUL not to hurt yourself! I do not recommend letting your kids do this part!
Make the hole big enough for a straw to fit in and insert straw.

STEP 2: Take latex glove and wrap the opening around the lip of the cup. Be careful that the glove doesn't rip.

STEP 3: Now have your kids blow into the straw! Soon they will see the glove begin to inflate! 

My boys LOVED this experiment and played with theirs for a few days! So if you're looking for a really super fast and fun activity for the kids, this is it! 

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