Sunday, March 12, 2017

Easy Watercolor Resist using Crayons

After I had my first baby and became a stay at home momma and found out that newborns sleep A LOT during the day I began getting back to my "artsy"roots.  I now had SO much more time to be creative and start making crafts again. And oh boy did I make crafts! My husband would come home each day to find me working on yet another art project! It was SO fun! 

Most of the projects involved painting because I LOVE TO PAINT! I remember thinking I can not wait for my kids to be old enough to paint with me!
Now a hop and a skip (plus a few years later) here I am painting together with my little boyfriends! And they love it just as much as I do! Life doesn't get much better!

The boys and I are constantly doing art projects that involve painting and todays project is going down in the books as one of their favorites! Watercolor Resist using crayons... So Easy and So Fun for toddlers! 

Who remembers making these in Elementary school and thinking they were just the coolest thing ever?! I did! Watching my boys excited faces while they made these totally reaffirmed that to me!

Are you ready to make this super easy and fun craft? Well here you go...

-White Crayons
- White Paper
- Watercolor Paints & Brush

STEP 1: Hand the kids white paper and a white crayon and have them draw whatever they want on it. 

STEP 2: After they are done drawing, have them start painting on the paper and over the crayon marks. 

Que the ooohs and ahhhs!

My 5 year old had a fun game idea to draw something then have us  try to guess what he drew while the picture slowly appeared. It was really fun! I love when they get excited about this stuff!

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