Thursday, March 16, 2017

DIY Leoprachaun Home

The weather has been GLORIOUS these past few days! We've been basically living outside because we can't get enough of all this warmth and sunshine!
And it's perfect timing for the weather to turn beautiful because tomorrow is ST. PATRICKS DAY! YAY! 

I don't know about you, but I love traditions and though we don't have many the ones we have the boys really enjoy! And that's what matters! So our tradition for St. Patricks Day for the last 3 years has been going on a Leprechaun Hunt! The Leprechaun always leaves the boys little goodies and surprises the morning of St. Patricks Day so we head out on a walk  early around the yard and to a park in search of that sneaky Leprechaun! Because we heard that's where they like to go! The boys LOVE looking for the Leprechaun even though we still haven't found him... he's so SNEAKY! HeHe!

This year we decided to be sneaky ourselves and try to "lure" him to us by making him his very own Leprechaun Home!!

Making this with the boys was SO DANG FUN! We haven't caught him yet but the boys sure love checking every few hours if there's been any sign of him. Oh they are at such a fun age!

Here's what you need to make this Leprechaun House!


- Plastic Milk Carton
- Scissors
- Razor blade
- Small rocks and Pebbles
- Hot Glue Gun and Sticks
- Popsicle Sticks
- Moss, Leaves, Dirt, Twigs (optional)

STEP 1: Cut top off milk carton and cut holes for windows and door with scissors and razor blade. Be careful not to cut yourself! 

STEP 2: Go on a rock hunt and collect as many little rocks as you can.

STEP 3: Now decorate the milk carton with rocks and moss and anything else you want! Also, glue the Popsicle sticks together to make a door.

Now go out and enjoy this weather and make your own Leprechaun House! Your kiddos will LOVE it!

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