Sunday, March 5, 2017

The girl behind Crayons and Critters

Hello there!

I thought it might be fun to share with you all a little bit about the girl behind Crayons & Critters! I'm Sabrina and I LOVE anything and everything Arts & Crafts and have since before I can remember!
It makes me happy!
Here are a few other things about me...

1. I love grilled cheese with applesauce and cinnamon on top! Sounds crazy maybe but it is yummy!

2. I once had, what I thought at the time, an INGENIOUS idea of trimming my eyebrows by shaving them with my razor instead of using the tweezers to pluck them! Not such a smart idea after all! I had this GIGANTIC space in between and I shaved them WAY too short on the outer sides. It. Was. Bad, but also great entertainment for my siblings!

 3. I LOVE cooking and  baking but was absolutely TERRIBLE at it for the first couple years of my marriage. I have a VERY patient hubby!

4. I have only ever had car accidents involving non moving objects - including: swiping a bank ATM (no I was not trying to rob the bank), backing into a parked car & driving right into my parents garage door when I was 15! 

5. I wrote and illustrated my children each a book! Are you a pirate? And Helpful engines are everywhere! I decided to write the books because my boys are the most special little people to me and I wanted to show them just how much I love them! They are both found on Amazon (the books, not the boys)!

And there you go! Now you know a little bit more about me!  

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