Thursday, March 23, 2017

DIY Marbled Paper

If you're looking for a super messy but super fun art project for the kids... this is it! This DIY Marbled Paper is just the easiest to make and looks SO beautiful!

We haven't decided what we're going to do with our finished papers and we'll probably just end up hanging them up, but you can turn your marbled paper into lots of things... book marks, greeting cards, notebook covers and much more! These came out looking so good I can't wait to make some more with the kiddos!
I've got to warn you though, this art project makes a mess! Like a major mess! I mean, how could it not when your'e handing your toddlers shaving cream and food coloring to paint! ;) So be prepared for a major mess but no worries, kids are washable and worth the fun!

- Shaving Cream
- Food Coloring
- Spatula
 - Water Color Paper
- Large Pan 
- Skewer Stick for swirling
- Old Card for scraping

STEP 1: Help the kids spray a good amount of shaving cream into a pan and have them spread the cream into a even layer.

STEP 2: Now hand them some food coloring to drop all over their shaving cream.

STEP 3; Now time for swirling! Give them a skewer (or anything with a pointy sharp tip- that sounds completely safe I know)! Have them make large swirly circles  mixing the colors together.
Doesn't that look beautiful?!

STEP 4: Take a sheet of water color paper and press down evenly into shaving cream mixture. Hold for about 30 seconds, then slowly lift up out of pan.

STEP 5: Now you'll need that card to scrape off the shaving cream. We used an old credit card because it worked so well for scraping. The shaving cream should come off nice and easy and you'll be amazed at what's left printed on the paper!

And that's it! Look at their beautiful creations! The boys LOVED this art project and I know your kids will too!

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