Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Wax Paper Painting

I just think these wax paper paintings are so cool looking!

We had a bunch of fun making them and they even came out better than I thought they would! So if you're looking for an easy, fun, let your kids go wild with the paint craft- this is it!


- Wax Paper
- Crayola Washable Kids Paint
- Paint Brush

All you need to do is hand each child a square of wax paper, a paint brush and some paint and let them go to town! Bonus- Not only are these crayola washable kid paints vibrant in color, they are also super washable! Perfect for toddlers!

One of the boys decided to paint with a milk carton lid. It was fun to see the different texture looks from the brush and the lid.

After they finish painting their masterpieces, let them dry completely.

Once dry, the boys and I set their paintings up to the windows for the sunlight to shine through. And oh my, they are so beautiful to look at! 

My very talented 5 year old painted one of our chickens "Grandma Sycamore" and I LOVE it! I may be a little bit biased!

This was a very fun and easy art project that we will for sure be doing again!

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