Friday, October 6, 2017

Halloween Mummy Kid Craft

So my little 4 year old is obsessed with Halloween and all things Spooky! And it's not just during the Halloween season that he gets into all the Halloweenie stuff, its ALL year long! He just loves it! One of his favorite things to do is to take his super hero action figures and wrap them up in toilet paper to make mummies! It's quite adorable but also quite messy because he leaves the whole toilet paper roll unraveled all over the bathroom! So I decided to try out this fun mummy craft in hopes to contain the messy but also have a really fun craft for him to make!


- Black Cardstock
- Googly Eyes
- Elmers School Glue
- Toilet Paper or Paper Towels
- Scissors


STEP 1: I first found a clipart of a body (that sounds creepy) on the computer and traced and cut a few out for the boys. I knew they would love it and want to make more than 1!

STEP 2: Then I helped squirt some glue all over their cutouts. The boys then took over and started tearing up pieces of paper towel to stick onto the cutout.

My 20 month old was excited to help with this part!

STEP 3: Once the mummy was all mummified :) we glued the googly eyes on. We let them dry for about 10 minutes and then the kids took them around the house to play with.

This was such a fast and easy craft and my 4 year old LOVED it! He ended up making five total! Mom for the WIN!!

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