Sunday, October 29, 2017

Easy Yarn and Glue Ghosts

Who's ready for Halloween? We are! In fact, we've already started the Halloweenie celebrations this weekend with a family party! It was a blast!

We're still going strong over here with our Halloween crafts and we probably will keep making some even after Halloween.. cause it's just too much fun!

So if you're looking for another easy Halloween craft for the kiddos, try this one!

The boys loved making these but didn't like the waiting for them to dry part. Next time we will make them closer to the evening so that they can sleep while they dry. :)


- White Yarn
- Elmers School Glue
- Popsicle Sticks
- Wax Paper
- Googley Eyes
- Black Construction Paper
- Scissors


STEP 1: We began by laying out some wax paper and taping it to the table. Wax paper is super slippery on wooden tables so I would suggest taping it down.

STEP 2: Next we cut some pieces of yarn and the kids shaped them onto the paper.

STEP 3: We then squirted some glue into the middle of the yarn pieces and the boys started spreading the glue as evenly as they could making sure to touch the yarn all around.

STEP 4: Once the middle of the yarn is all covered with a good layer of glue it was time to place the googley eyes and construction paper mouths. We then left them out to dry. It took about 10 hours. I would suggest leaving them out to dry all night.

STEP 5: Once dry, I helped the boys carefully remove the ghosts from the wax paper. We cut any extra glue pieces off that were hanging over the yarn.

That's it! So fun! Now we have cute little ghosts decorated around the house!

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Spooky Halloween Candy Houses

Halloweens a less than a week away so the boys and I pulled out a favorite! We first made these easy Halloween candy houses last year and they have become a favorite since then. And how could they not... it's pretty much all sugar!

Here's all you'll need to make your own:

- Graham Crackers
- Frosting
- Halloween Themed Candy
- Plastic Knives
- Paper Plates
- Muffin Tin to hold the candy


We first spread some frosting on the plates to help the graham crackers stay put. Then we starting frosting up our graham crackers and I helped the boys set up their houses.

Then came the fun part of decorating their houses with the candy!

Always so fun to sit back and watch how the boys decide to decorate their masterpieces!

These were a huge hit of course and an easy Halloween Tradition we will be doing each year!

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Grab a Spider Fine Motor Activity

Halloween is quickly approaching and we are definitely all excited about it over here! My 5 year old asked me the other day what I was going to be this year for Halloween and it just made me so HAPPY! So Happy that he asked and wanted to know. So Happy that he knows I WILL most definitely dress up for Halloween. And so Happy that even though I'm a mom to 3 busy youngsters and I feel tired every... single... day, I always try to not miss a chance to play and be a kid with my boys! They are only young for such a short time and won't always care if I play with them or dress up for Halloween! So with that being said, you all will find out in a couple weeks what I will be dressing up as!

Todays activity is Halloween themed (YAY) and a real fun and simple one to make!


- Yarn
- Small Dollar Store Basket
- Kitchen Tongs (or something similar to grab the spiders)
- Real Spiders... KIDDING! Gross! Plastic Spiders (also found at the Dollar Store)


STEP 1: We began by weaving the yarn in and around the basket to make a "web". Once the weaving is at your desired look them cut and tie off the yarn.

STEP 2: We then dumped the spiders in and the boys took turns grabbing and picking out the spiders. My 4 year old tried real hard not to touch the yarn with the tongs. It was really cute watching him to concentrate on that!

This was such a quick and easy activity to set up for the kids but kept them busy and giggling for a good while!

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Leaf Stamping

We are lucky enough to live in an area surrounded by tons and tons of trees which we love especially come fall time! The kids and I have done so many leaf hunts, leaf fights and leaf crafts over the past couple weeks.. it's been a total blast! And we want to do lots more so don't leave us fall, we're not done with you yet! :)

Here's an activity for all you leaf and paint lovers out there!


- Variety of real leaves
- Paint
- Paint brushes
- Watercolor Paper or Construction Paper


STEP 1: We began by going on a leaf hunt outside. We collected a lot of different variety of leaves (shapes, sizes, colors) We then brought them inside to our prepared workspace.

STEP 2: I gave them each a paper and they chose their paint colors. They then started painting their leaves (underside facing up). We painted the entire underside.

STEP 3: Once we finished painting the leaf we flipped it over and pressed it down onto our papers.

STEP 4: We then slowly removed our leaves to reveal the gorgeous leaf print underneath!

STEP 5: We continued painting our different leaves and pressing them down onto our paper to create a college of beautiful leaf stamps!

The boys got creative and decided to mix their paints together to make rainbow leaves! So pretty!

We had lots of fun with this easy activity! It was nice combining an outside leaf hunt with an inside craft.

Friday, October 6, 2017

Halloween Mummy Kid Craft

So my little 4 year old is obsessed with Halloween and all things Spooky! And it's not just during the Halloween season that he gets into all the Halloweenie stuff, its ALL year long! He just loves it! One of his favorite things to do is to take his super hero action figures and wrap them up in toilet paper to make mummies! It's quite adorable but also quite messy because he leaves the whole toilet paper roll unraveled all over the bathroom! So I decided to try out this fun mummy craft in hopes to contain the messy but also have a really fun craft for him to make!


- Black Cardstock
- Googly Eyes
- Elmers School Glue
- Toilet Paper or Paper Towels
- Scissors


STEP 1: I first found a clipart of a body (that sounds creepy) on the computer and traced and cut a few out for the boys. I knew they would love it and want to make more than 1!

STEP 2: Then I helped squirt some glue all over their cutouts. The boys then took over and started tearing up pieces of paper towel to stick onto the cutout.

My 20 month old was excited to help with this part!

STEP 3: Once the mummy was all mummified :) we glued the googly eyes on. We let them dry for about 10 minutes and then the kids took them around the house to play with.

This was such a fast and easy craft and my 4 year old LOVED it! He ended up making five total! Mom for the WIN!!