Friday, August 4, 2017

DIY Bug Hotel

Sometimes it's fun to do an activity a little unusual and outside of the box with the kiddos! And I've got just the one for you! 

Why not try this DIY Bug or Insect Hotel!

My boys loved this activity and were so excited to see all the little visitors come to their hotel after it was built! 

The best part about this activity was I had no instructions for the boys! I just asked them what they thought should be in a bug hotel and my little 5 and 4 year old took over! It was so awesome to see them in their element (bugs-dirt-mess-etc) and to build it together without any bickering! A very rare thing these days ;) 

You can use anything you want to make these. Here are S ome of the supplies we used.

- twigs
- clumps of grass
- rocks
- pine cones
- leaves
- tree bark
- old tupper ware and plastic containers
- fake flowers we found lying around the house

I have to say that this activity is not for the faint of heart.. your kids WILL find the slimiest and creepiest insect (which they think is the absolute coolest) to put in their bug hotel! Like this slug below... he was gigantic so of course the boys named him gigantor! 

Such a fun activity! You need to give it a try!

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