Thursday, June 15, 2017

Create your own silly face flower garden!

My 5 year old is all about doing things himself lately and that includes cutting paper with his favorite pair of scissors! I love that he's learned so much and is at this stage but it's also so sad that he doesn't need me to help him with the cutting! I mean, seriously, how are they growing up so fast! 
Well if they got to grow up at least I can be there to enjoy all the fun stages with my kids!

Today's craft is so simple and easy! Since my boy is so into using scissors (like I mentioned earlier) I decided to use that in our craft project. He was excited! 

Supplies Needed:

- scissors
- construction paper
- glue stick
- markers


1. Begin by having the littles trace and cut out all different sizes of circles on different color construction paper.

2. Once they have a big pile of circle cut outs they can start layering and gluing them onto a paper.

3. You can do whatever order you'd like next but my son drew the stems then petals first and faces last. And they turned out so awesome!

This is a fun new take on drawing flowers for the kids and mine loved it! They thought the faces were so funny! They even added legs to the flowers so they can "dance"!

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