Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Build your own Sponge Tower

This is one of the easiest activities I've done with the boys! 

Here's what you need to make these!

- Lots of sponges
- Scissors


Make sure your scissors are sharp. It will make the cutting process SO much easier! 
Simply cut each sponge into 3 even sections. That's it! Now let the littles build away!!

My boys LOVE building stuff like legos and blocks and my kitchen tupperware :) It keeps them entertained for awhile so when I saw this sponge tower building idea from Toddlerapproved.com I knew we had to give it a go! 

I am a big fan of letting the littles have plenty of building time. It's such a fun and important activity for them!The main reasons I love building is it first lets them be creative and express themselves and to show you what is on their little minds! For instance, my 4 year old would build tower after tower and then have hulk come smash it down! He's REALLY into smashing things lately!

Building also helps with problem solving which is so important to start teaching them while their young! I loved watching my 5 year old put the sponges together like a puzzle and try to figure out how to make them all fit just right into the shape of a house!

And of course it helps them grow their imagination! I gave the boys plenty of space and time to build and rebuild whatever they thought up and it was so awesome to see what they came up with! 
I thought they would just stick with tower building since that was the planned activity but they surprised me and created so much more! 

They built complex towers!

They built tunnels!

And they built road ways for their cars!

They were so proud of their work and that they created something truly unique! I was so proud too!

The boys mostly did their own thing but there were times they would give each other little tips and share ideas! It. Was. Adorable!

This was such a fun activity and kept them busy for awhile! We will definitely be using these often! 

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