Thursday, May 11, 2017

Rescue the super heros from this ice prison!

This activity is SO fun! And how could it not be when you have superheroes, water play and fine motor skills involved?! 
The kiddos will LOVE this activity, especially on these upcoming hot summer days! 
I must say though I was super surprised that this activity didn't last longer! I was thinking it would maybe last close to an hour if not more since I wasn't going to give the boys any tools to use. I wanted them to figure it out themselves! Hehe, I'm mean! BUUUT holy smokes my boys are little smarty pants because they figured out what they needed themselves and saved every last superhero within 15 minutes!  
They're 5, 4 and 1 (can't count little T out!)
Sooo, just FYI on that!

- Little superhero toys
- Plastic container big enough to hold toys and a whole lot of water

 Place a layer of toys in the container and fill with water to cover the top of the toys, about an inch. Place in freezer for a couple of hours or until the water is frozen over.

Repeat with a new layer of toys and water. I ended up doing 3 layers.

Once it's a block of solid ice it's ready for your kids to take a crack at rescuing those superheroes!

It was so fun watching the boys work together in fuguring out what to use to break the ice!
They ended up using paint brushes, sponges, water guns, syringes and of course lots of warm water.

Throwing was definitely the most effective way to get those superheroes out, haha!

Every last one saved! The boys were so proud!

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