Thursday, April 20, 2017

DIY Bird Feeder

April is a fickle kind of month.. Constantly changing it's mind about whether it wants to be sunny and hot or rainy and freezing! And it seems like every other day this week it's been rainy or super windy which is no good when you have three busy little boys that love to run and play around outside. So, I've planned a few crafts for the boys to do when the weather keeps us inside!

These toilet paper bird feeders are perfect for small kids because they are so easy and don't require anything too tricky to use. Oh, and this is a great activity for the littles to work on their fine motor skills!


- Empty toilet paper rolls
- Peanut butter
- Bird seeds
- Twine
- Popsicle sticks

Step 1: Begin by smearing a thick layer of peanut butter all over a roll of toilet paper using a popsicle stick.

Step 2: Once the roll is covered in peanut butter have the kiddos roll the toilet paper roll into the bird seed till it's completely covered.

Step 3: Next, cut a piece of twine and loop it through the roll and tie it together so it can hang easily on a tree branch. That's it! Easy Peasy!

The boys really did love this activity and I'm so happy they did because it's an easy one to do again!
Now sit on back and wait for the birdies to come check out their new feeders!

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