Thursday, March 30, 2017

Drawing with Cars

Today's activity is so fun and simple AND will keep your littles busy playing and creating art for a long while! I've seen this activity floating around Pinterest for awhile and I can't believe we haven't tried it till now! It really is such a simple activity and I could tell my boys were loving it so we will definitely will be doing this one again! 

Supplies Needed:

- Toy Cars 
- Tape (We ended up using duct tape. I wanted those markers to stay put and handle what the boys threw at them- literally!) :)
- Markers
- Cardboard Box 

Set up is easy, you just need to have the littles go grab some cars and then you'll tape the markers to the bumper of each car. Make sure the markers tip is even with the wheels.

We used a large cardboard box and cut it in half because each boy wanted their own race track. :) We also decided to do this activity outside on the ground for more "zooming" room! 
Each boy did their own thing. One was determined to go all the way around the cardboard in giant circles while the other one made short strokes to color in larger portions of the box. It was fun watching them create their own thing while using the same supplies!

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