Saturday, January 19, 2019

Hot Rocks Melted Crayon Art

Looking for a way to use up all those broken crayon bits you have scattered around? Why not try this fun and easy melted crayon rock art project!

It’s super easy and you most likely have all the supplies needed at home!


Smooth Rocks
Paper Towels
Cookie Sheet
Tin Foil
Oven Mitts
Your Oven


Step 1. We began by gathering up some smooth rocks to use. We didn’t need to go far to find some since our front yard is full of them here in New Mexico!

Step 2. We then brought the rocks inside and gave them a quick wash and dry.

Step 3. Then we preheated the oven to 250 degrees and while it was heating up we lined our cookie sheet with foil. I popped the rocks into the oven even before it was fully heated up and left them in for about 15 minutes or until they were quite warm to the touch.

Step 4. While the rocks were baking we removed the extra pieces of paper from each crayon and lined our work space with paper towels.

Step 5. Once our rocks were done I carefully removed them from the oven using an oven mitt. Please use caution since the rocks can seriously burn you if you aren’t careful! I placed each rock on the paper towel by each kid.

Step 6. Now came the fun part! Each kid grabbed a peeled crayon and started drawing on their hot rocks! We all loved watching the crayons melt onto the rock to make these beautiful vibrant colors!

Step 7. Once they finished coloring we made sure the rocks were completely cool before moving them to the front yard.

This was a big hit with my littles and we were all pleased with the beautiful results!

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Popsicle Stick Christmas Ornaments!

Christmas is coming soon and our littles cannot wait over here!

Seems like we're making some sort of Christmas craft each day in December over here, ha!

Todays craft is simple and fun and I know your kids will love it!

DIY Christmas Ornaments made out of popsicle sticks!


- Popsicle sticks... of course!
- Hot glue gun and sticks
- School glue
- Paint
- Other little things to decorate (such as googly eyes, pipe cleaners, pom pom etc)

These are so dang easy and you can make really whatever you feel like! We made lots of stars and reindeer and trees.

Just kept with the Christmas theme over here!

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Feed the Turkey Activity!

Happy Thanksgiving y'all!

I hope your day is filled with lots of Family, Fun and Food! If your'e like me and looking for something to distract the littles while you try to prepare for the festivities of the day, I've got the thing for you!

This easy DIY turkey counting game is perfect for toddlers and so quick to make!


- A see through container (we used this empty ground pepper container)
- Scissors
- Hot Glue Gun
- Construction Paper (orange, red and yellow)
- Googley Eyes
- Pom Poms (different colors and sizes)


So this is super duper easy. All we did was dust out our plastic container and then start decorating our turkey. I cut out all the turkey shapes and hot glued everything on.

Then have the littles start "feeding" the turkey with pom poms! So fun and kept my 2 year old busy for awhile!

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Pumpkin Seed Autumn Tree

Autumn has always been a favorite season of ours! The crisp cool weather and beautiful changing colors and of course the beginning of a fun filled holiday season.. what’s not to love!

For today’s craft we made good use of our leftover pumpkin seeds we saved from Halloween and made this autumn tree craft! The kids really enjoyed this simple craft and they turned out beautiful!


Pumpkin Seeds
Food Coloring
Plastic Cups
Plastic Spoons
Brown Marker
White Printer Paper
School Glue


STEP 1: We began by rinsing and baking our pumpkin seeds in the oven.

STEP 2: Once they were dried out we began on coloring them. We mixed 1/2 cup cold water and 1 1/2 tablespoons of vinegar in each cup. Then added a few drops of food coloring in each cup. We stirred the food coloring till it was all blended together. Then added the pumpkin seeds.

STEP 3: We made sure to stir the seeds in together to have them all coated. Leave the seeds to sit for at least 30 minutes.

STEP 4: After that time, spoon the seeds out and pat dry on a paper towel. Leave them to dry completely.

STEP 5: Next we drew our trees on white paper.

STEP 6: Then the kids started decorating their bare branches with colorful pumpkin seeds by glueing them on.

That’s it! These turned out so beautiful and we had a great time making these together!

Happy fall y’all!

Monday, October 29, 2018

Paper Plate Flying Witch Craft!

Halloween is coming up soon and my littles are so beyond ready!

One of our favorite books to read together is Room on the Broom by Julia Donaldson! If you haven't read it you must! It's a Halloween staple!

So for todays craft we made our own flying witch! This was a little more of a "mom help me with a lot of it" craft than we usually do but still so fun and they turned out adorable!


- Paper plate
- Blue and yellow paint
- Paintbrushes
- Black and white colored pencil
- Jumbo craft sticks (2)
- Black and green cardstock or construction paper
- Orange and brown yarn
- Small googly eye
- Scissors
- Glue
- Craft knife
- Purple pipe cleaners


STEP 1: We began by painting our moon on on paper plates. You can also use a cup to trace the circle where the moon will be first if that helps. We then painted the the rest of our paper plates blue (or whatever color you like)! We also painted our jumbo craft sticks the same color as the plates. We placed them aside to dry.

STEP 2: Next up is putting the witch together. This is where my help really went into action because I traced everything for my kids to make for easy cutting. You don't necessarily need to do this unless your kids are young like mine. We cut out a circle for her head and small triangle nose from our green construction paper. We then cut out a witch hat, witch dress and fancy witch shoes out of our black cardstock. We glued orange yarn for her wind blown hair (haha) at the back of the witch head. We then glued the witch hat at the top of the head and the dress at the bottom of the head. And then glued on her small googly eye and nose and drew a smile on our witch with a black colored pencil. We took our purple pipe cleaners and glued them to the base of the witches dress and then glued her shoes on.

STEP 3: Next we assembled our witch broom. We cut off short pieces of brown yarn and then glued them to the end of the craft stick. We glued the witch onto the broom. We then glued them onto the end of our jumbo craft stick.

STEP 4: This next part is suggested for adults only because I don't want any littles getting hurt. Have an adult use a craft knife to cut a slit along the bottom 1/3 of your paper plate for your witch puppet to slide into.

And that's it!
Slide your witch down inside the paper plate slit. Hold the paper plate with one hand while you move the stick around with your other hand and watch your witch fly around on her broomstick! The kids will love it!

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Egg Carton Plants

Summer is here and we have been BUSY! Extra busy this year due to us moving out of state next month and starting a new chapter in our lives! It’s exciting and nerve racking and everything in between!

With school being out I wanted an activity for the kiddos that would let them explore and give them an extra fun challenge!

So we made egg carton plants!

We had extra egg cartons and I’m always trying to find fun ways to use them instead of throwing them out. We decided to use them outside in nature making our own mini planter box!

Here’s what you’ll need for this activity:

Egg Cartons
Little Hand Shovel
Dirt and Plants from the yard


Step 1: Cut your egg cartons into sections easy for the littles to carry around.

Step 2: Hand the cartons to the kids with a shovel and have them dig up some dirt to put into each carton. This was a little bit of a challenge for my 2 year old, getting the dirt into the carton but it kept him busy and happy so that’s ok. I wanted to give them a challenge right?!

Step 3: After they finished placing the dirt, have them go around the yard looking for plants to “plant” into their planters. That’s a lot of Plant words!

And ofcourse the littles need to water the plants after!

That’s it! We had a lot of fun making these and exploring our beautiful yard. We are sure going to miss this yard!

This activity was so fun and is for sure one we will be doing again!

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

DIY Fruit Loop Bird Feeder!

Birds are so fun to watch and the kids and I love watching them!
And there’s always a ton of giggling going on when we watch the birds eat out of the bird feeder because.. well I guess they just look funny doing it!

Well, we also love making our own bird feeders and here’s a really quick and simple one we decided to make!

This craft is a fun way for the littles to strengthen those fine motor skills and be outside in nature!


- Pipe cleaners
- Fruit loops
- Scissors
- Twine


Step 1: We began by taking some fruit loops and looping them through the pipe cleaner. As we did this we molded our pipe cleaner into the shape we wanted.

Step 2: Once the pipe cleaner was completely full we twisted the ends right together and then cut a piece of twine to loop through the top. Tie twine into knot.

Step 3: Then we hung our feeders up and waited for the birds to come and enjoy!