Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Egg Carton Plants

Summer is here and we have been BUSY! Extra busy this year due to us moving out of state next month and starting a new chapter in our lives! It’s exciting and nerve racking and everything in between!

With school being out I wanted an activity for the kiddos that would let them explore and give them an extra fun challenge!

So we made egg carton plants!

We had extra egg cartons and I’m always trying to find fun ways to use them instead of throwing them out. We decided to use them outside in nature making our own mini planter box!

Here’s what you’ll need for this activity:

Egg Cartons
Little Hand Shovel
Dirt and Plants from the yard


Step 1: Cut your egg cartons into sections easy for the littles to carry around.

Step 2: Hand the cartons to the kids with a shovel and have them dig up some dirt to put into each carton. This was a little bit of a challenge for my 2 year old, getting the dirt into the carton but it kept him busy and happy so that’s ok. I wanted to give them a challenge right?!

Step 3: After they finished placing the dirt, have them go around the yard looking for plants to “plant” into their planters. That’s a lot of Plant words!

And ofcourse the littles need to water the plants after!

That’s it! We had a lot of fun making these and exploring our beautiful yard. We are sure going to miss this yard!

This activity was so fun and is for sure one we will be doing again!

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