Thursday, May 18, 2017

Exploding Baggies!

It was a science experiment kind of day so we got out the baking soda and vinegar. Isn't it so cool what a little bit of baking soda and vinegar mixed together can do?! 
This activity never gets old! Your kids will love making these exploding baggies!

Supplies Needed:

- baking soda
- vinegar
- small ziplock baggies
- clothespin
- food coloring


- Fill ziplock bag with 1/3 cup of vinegar. 
- Add a few drops of food coloring.
- Twist baggie right above the vinegar and use a clothespin to seal it tight.

- Place 2 tablespoons of baking soda in top half of baggie.
- Zip baggies closed.
- When ready to have the baggies explode, remove the clothespin and watch the magic happen. The baking soda will slowly mix with the vinegar which will cause, well you know.. an explosion! Don't worry, it's a very small one!

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